Pentecost is a movable feast day on which we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Jesus in the year 33 AD.
Before the events of the first Pentecost, which came a few weeks after Jesus’ death and resurrection, there were followers of Jesus, but no movement that could be meaningfully called “the Church.” From a historical point of view, Pentecost is the day on which the Church was started. This is also true from a spiritual perspective, since the Holy Spirit brings the Church into existence and enlivens it. Thus Pentecost is the Church’s birthday.
This event is recorded in the The Acts of the Apostles. “And when the days of the Pentecost were accomplished, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak."
The languages spoken by the early Christians were intelligible (not other worldly) and were heard by thousands of Jewish pilgrims who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate Shavuot. The content of the miraculous messages had to do with God’s mighty works (2:11). Many who heard these messages in their own languages were amazed, though others thought the Christians were just drunk (2:12).
The Holy Spirit also gave the Apostles other gifts and fruits necessary to fulfill the great commission - to go out and preach the Gospel to all nations. It fulfills the New Testament promise from Christ (Luke 24:46-49) that the Apostles would be “clothed with power” before they would be sent out to spread the Gospel. For this reason, Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Church - Peter, the first Pope, preached for the first time and converted thousands of new believers. The Apostles and believers, for the first time, were united by a common language, and a common zeal and purpose to go and preach the Gospel.
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